I was an asset artist on the CG team for Netflix’s Away.  I was tasked with modeling the hero ship, the Atlas, that the main cast uses to fly to Mars during the show.  We started just with the concept art, and CAD model from the design department.  It was my job to clean up the cad with solid sub-D topology and to also push the model to a photoreal level.  I pushed the design to add more details that indicated scale and realistic design intention.   We looked at the sets they built in real life and plussed those even further with our cg recreation.  We also used real photos from the Apollo missions to further our inspiration for the level of detail.   Everyone listed below in the credits are the people I directly worked with.  

In addition I tackled the surfacing of the solar panels after finishing the model for them. That was done in our Houdini Arnold pipeline.

John Killshaw was the overall supervisor, but I mostly directly worked with Andy Zazzera for most of the project.  Jessica Soderstrom was the asset supervisor.   This was my first episodic project and I learned a lot from working at this scale.  

Software: Maya, Substance Designer, Arnold, Houdini

Credits: VFX Supervisor John Kilshaw  CG Supervisor: Andy Zazzera  

CG Artists: Jessica Soderstrom, Oscar Tan, Riley Nelson, and Xiolai Zheng on the asset team.  With Minji Sohn in rigging.  With Jimmy San as the lighter on most of the Atlas shots in the season.  

Link to official Framestore breakdown on the show:
